Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Where'd all the posts go?

The tone of this blog is changing from mildly militant to informative and conciliatory. This reflects two changes in my values. First, I feel that I will build better relationships across a wider spectrum if I dial down the militancy of this blog. I still feel passionate about issues; I'd just like to be a bit friendlier along the way. Second, I am actively seeking clients and contracts now, and I do not want this "woodshed" to give people false impressions about my agenda. On previous posts, I've been venting in a cathartic manner. It's been overall healthy, but I feel that the season for that has passed. If you miss the former posts, they're still around. Ask me and I might email one to you.

Going forward, I'll be describing more of my adventures in friendly fashion and seeking to be a bit more parent driven. Many of the posts will be directly driven by issues that have been raised in conversations with families, teachers, and school administrators. As always, I hope that you'll comment, and I hope that you'll stick around.

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